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April 20, 2012

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

During my years in the U.S. military, I learned valuable lessons that have stayed with me ever since. Never box yourself into a corner, always keep your options open, and be sure to have a long-range battle plan.

That’s exactly the strategy our union has followed as we face, together, one of the toughest battles of our professional lives: The bankruptcy crisis at AMR, the parent company of American Airlines.

Since the beginning, the TWU has pursued multiple approaches to defend our jobs, our wages, our pensions and our health care. Our members and their families deserve nothing less.

Our multi-part strategy includes:

April 17, 2012

American Airlines

The TWU Negotiating Committee’s are meeting at FSU this week to discuss the “full text” language of the company’s most recent proposal in AMR’s attempt to reach a consensual deal. International President James Little told members from the beginning that they would have an opportunity to review full text language before they vote on either a T/A, or the company’s last ask.

AMR is in the process of finalizing its full text version of its last asks for all TWU work groups.

April 16, 2012

Stand in solidarity with the Transport Workers Union for the 1st day of American Airlines bankruptcy trial against labor.

Monday, April 23  9am-11am

Gather in Battery Park (NE corner at Broadway & State St)
March to Bowling Green Park (Across from US Bankruptcy Court)

Download the Flier

April 14, 2012

We appreciate the concern for the well-being of American Airlines and its employees that many have made public today.

As the elected leaders of the three major work groups at our company, we share their concerns. That is why we are working diligently to ensure that American Airlines can grow, flourish and compete.

We are also focused on securing the livelihoods and retirement plans of our members who have sacrificed a great deal for the company over the past decade. In order to accomplish these goals, we must exercise due diligence and examine every possibility.

April 13, 2012

American Eagle

Last night the company informed the TWU Negotiating Committees representing AMT and Related and the Fleet Groups, that they would not have any counter proposals available until next Wednesday and Thursday.

As of today, the company has not provided the TWU with the needed documents they requested. TWU International Representative Jose Galarza informed the company that the TWU will not meet with them next week. TWU negotiators agreed to a temporary halt in the talks, to give company negotiators the time to provide them the information requested.

April 12, 2012

Hard working TWU members keep American Airlines and American Eagle operations going every day - rain or shine. In spite of AMR’s bankruptcy and the company’s latest filing to abrogate AA’s labor contracts, TWU members continue to perform as airline professionals, doing their best for our passengers every day, 24-7. To watch the TWU video, “The American Workplace” click here.

Feel free to share the link with coworkers and friends – sign the pledge at

April 10, 2012

American Airlines

The TWU’s legal team is preparing for trial in New York. AMR “fast tracked” the bankruptcy process with their 1113(c) filing to abrogate our labor contracts. AMR's motion included dumping over 6,500 documents and exhibits with the court filing. The documents spell out AMR’s alleged reason for seeking abrogation of all of our CBAs. TWU’s professional team of economic analysts, attorneys and International Representatives are in New York reviewing company documents and preparing for our presentation before the bankruptcy judge.
April 04, 2012

American Eagle

The TWU Negotiating Committees reconvened this Monday and continued meeting with American Eagle company negotiators. Starting last week, TWU negotiators requested numerous documents from the company. The TWU negotiators received some of those important documents this week and are in the process of analyzing them.
April 02, 2012

American Airlines

The Company filed an  1113 (c) motion on March 27, 2012 seeking to reject all union contracts at AA , including the seven (7) TWU contracts. As part of the motion the carrier submitted  its 1113 concessionary ask sheet outlining the changes it alleges it needs in each TWU contract. Those AA 1113 (c) proposal sheets are linked below:

AMR Bankruptcy Update for March 30, 2012
March 30, 2012

American Eagle

The TWU Negotiating Committee’s have been meeting all week with American Eagle negotiators. Our separate work groups have prioritized their requests for important supporting documents from the company. Their analysis and review of Eagles cost outs depends on these documents. When received, the TWU Negotiators can begin to thoroughly scrutinize cost assumptions and review the business plan.
